At KANA Physical Therapy & Wellness, we approach things a bit differently. We are a hybrid PT & Performance studio that provides one on one services both in person and digitally. Whether you are local to Westchester, NY, across the country or abroad, we promise that you will receive comprehensive, thorough and individualized care.
We don't believe in
X appointments that don't start on time
X cookie cutter exercises and programs
X working with underqualified support staff in busy, chaotic environments
X burnt out clinicians who are pouring from an empty cup
We do believe in
extremely thorough evaluations
creating clear game plans to reach your goals
exercises and workout programs that are designed specifically for you
digital support and communication with your PT in between sessions
Yes, we offer Physical Therapy Evaluations and Treatments but we also...
- Help people return to their favorite exercise class or sport
- Provide safe & effective guidance for exercise newbies
- Teach people how train around pain without having to stop
- Get people stronger than ever before
Nicole is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who has been in the health & fitness field for the past decade. After spending many years in traditional rehab settings, Nicole started KANA Physical Therapy & Wellness because she believes that people deserve more.
She is committed to changing the standard of care by providing rehab, performance & wellness services that encompass the person as a whole, is tailored to their lifestyle and centered around their needs. By giving people access to comprehensive care, education and solutions, Nicole helps individuals make lasting changes to their lifestyle so they can get back to doing the things they love.
She is devoted to helping people in-person and digitally through her Tarrytown location right on Main Street.
When Nicole is not “PT-ing” you can find her spending time with friends & family, trying new recipes and exploring new places with her husband and 4-legged friend Murphy!